

Friday, September 4, 2015

Things You Have Trouble Explaining

It’s Friday! Thank goodness. And because it’s Friday, how about something that is hard to explain, unless you’ve been kidnapped by aliens. Most of you have probably heard about the face on Mars, right?

Kind of cool, isn’t it? Is it a statue, or just our imagination? The main stream scientists want us to think it’s just a wind shaped rock. That is just a tad hard for many to believe. The ancient alien theorists like to think of an ancient civilization that is buried under the sand. Or that this is proof we really came from Mars.

How many of you know about the second face on Mars? There is another face on Mars looking down on us.

Sure looks like the profile of a head with big ears. Is it human? Or alien? Maybe we’re just seeing things again. Main stream scientists and NASA would still like us to believe we’re all crazy. That it’s just a cold wind blowing on Mars.

So now that I’ve got you wondering if I’m crazy, or if you’ll be creeped out all weekend at the thought of alien statues watching you. Here is the latest mystery photo from Mars.

Yes, that’s what it looks like. An alien spoon! Again the scientists claim it is a wind shaped rock that is not floating, but is attached to the ground. Sure looks like a floating spoon. How does the old saying go; if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. So what about if it looks like a spoon and it’s shaped like a spoon, it must be…?

Hope everyone has strange and mysterious thoughts for the weekend. And if you like natural things, like natural products, check out the link below.

1 comment:

  1. There is at least one alien abduction subscriber out there who claims to have left the spoon on Mars in 1968 when he was abducted by aliens. He's even posted this on Twitter.
