

Friday, June 21, 2013

On The Road Again

Well, we're at it again. Another road trip. Have you tried travelling for 11 1/2 hours with 2 adult children. Interesting! And we won't talk about the mama egging them on at Denny's while we tried to have lunch. I would rather put up with the animal circus at home of 3 cats and 2 dogs.

We're going to a combination family reunion and delayed birthday party for my dad. His birthday was in April, but for those of us who fled the state, we didn't want to return to Minnesota in April. Cold, and snow up to your armpits.

As we headed North, it wasn't too bad until Iowa. These people have more road construction going on than they know what to do with. Every 10 miles or so they had the interstate down to one lane, warning signs up not to exceed 55 MPH or pay a $1000 fine. For every one vehicle that drove slow, 40 or 50 wanted to race on by, but of course with only one lane all they could do was tailgate.

Mostly it was nice weather while driving. A little rain in Iowa, then a lot of rain in Minnesota. The rain had almost stopped when we finally got to my sister's house. Get the hugs and hello's out of the way, and the tornado sirens go off! Big black cloud bank comes boiling in. My niece and her husband were pointing out circular motion in the clouds, and everyone runs inside. The clouds zipped by, some straight line wind kicks up, and it starts raining, hard. No tornado, but the weather said 65 to 70 MPH wind gusts across the Twin Cities area. Then they gave the good news, more storms heading this way.

I could have stayed in Oklahoma for this kind of weather. Oh well, dad's worth the trip. Need to cut this short as we have an early start . More later.

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