

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Bring on the rain

It’s hot!

It’s been hot. We’re talking heat advisory type hot. The local news keeps trying to convince us that we’re actually cooler than the last two summers, which we are, but…… Let’s get real, folks. When it’s hot, it’s just plain hot.

Oklahoma style hot has much higher humidity than Arizona did. The news just said we’ve had only 5 days over 100 this summer compares to 38 days over 100 degrees last year, and 44 days in 2011. Of course they didn’t mention the humidity. And we’re still low on the yearly annual rainfall.

Even the dogs and the cat won’t stay outside very long. I mean, we’re talking thick air that can be cut with a knife. The grass needs mowing, but I’m being lazy because of the heat. And it rained for about three minutes earlier, with a chance for rain tonight. It reminds me of a few other places I’ve been in Texas and Georgia in summer, hot and humid with rain that doesn’t help cool anything off.

So, bring on the rain. Let’s see if it actually cools us down.

In the mean-time, here’s something that sounds good.

Grilled Peaches & Pecans over Ice Cream or Yogurt


Fresh Peaches, halved and pitted
Maple Syrup, for brushing
Butter, for grilling
Pecans, chopped


Brush the peach halves with maple syrup. Smear butter on a grill or grill pan over low heat. Place the peaches cut side down onto the grill or grill pan and cook the low and slow for a few minutes, rotating them 90 degrees halfway through. Monitor the cooking temp and keep it low enough that the maple syrup doesn’t burn.

Remove the peaches when they’re slightly soft but not mushy and have great grill marks. Brush a little extra maple syrup over the tops.

Serve them:

Over ice cream: Scoop ice cream into a bowl, then cut peach halves in half again, and press the slices into the ice cream. Then sprinkle chopped pecans all over and drizzle on extra maple syrup.

Over Greek yogurt: Spoon Greek yogurt into a small dish. Press slices of grilled peaches into the yogurt. Sprinkle with chopped pecans and drizzle on maple syrup.

Over salad: Toss mixed greens with your favorite salad dressing, crumbled blue cheese optional, or any other goodie you want to try. Pile salad on a plate or bowl and place grilled peach halves all over, (or cut the halves in half). Sprinkle with chopped pecans and serve.

Other ideas: Serve grilled peach halves and pecans over pancakes, French toast or waffles, etc.

Thanks to the Pioneer Woman for this terrific treat.

Grilled peaches with Greek Yogurt

Grilled peaches with Ice Cream

Grilled Peaches with Salad